Implementation Media Interactive Animation Based on Discovery Learning on Students' Learning Interests
Media interactive animation, Discovery learning, Learning interestAbstract
The low interest in learning mathematics among grade 3 students of SDN 1 West Palimanan, along with the lack of learning media, makes it difficult for students to understand the material. This study aims to determine whether interactive animation media based on discovery learning can enhance students’ interest in mathematics. Additionally, it examines the effect of this media on the learning interest of grade 3 students at SDN Kedawung. This research employs a quantitative approach using a questionnaire for data collection. A sample of 40 students from SDN 1 West Palimanan participated in the study. Data analysis involved normality tests and t-tests. The main focus of the study is the influence of interactive animation media on students’ interest in learning mathematics. The results indicate that interactive animation media significantly affects students' learning interest, as evidenced by a significance value (p-value) of < 0.05. Furthermore, students' average learning interest score increased from 51.32 to 60.75 after implementing the media. These findings suggest that discovery learning-based interactive animation media positively influences students' interest in mathematics, making it an effective tool to enhance engagement in learning.
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